How Blockchain, Crypto, and Big Data on Health can transform Global Healthcare for everyone and uphold basic Human Rights
4 min readOct 7, 2021

Universal Health Coverage (UHC) as shared by The World Health Organization (WHO):

“Universal Health Coverage (UHC) is a vision where all people and communities have access to quality health services where and when they need them, without suffering financial hardship. It includes the full spectrum of services needed throughout life — from health promotion to prevention, treatment, rehabilitation, and palliative care — and is best based on a strong primary health care system.

For many UHC is literally a life-or-death issue, and individuals without health coverage face the prospect of untreated sickness and premature death for themselves and their children. It can also mean the difference between financial survival and destitution. For countries as a whole, increased coverage of health services has been shown to not only improve health indicators but also contribute to stronger economic development, including the reduction of poverty levels. For political leaders, supporting a UHC agenda can deliver considerable political benefits for the simple reason that the majority of people (and of the electorate) wants access to affordable, good quality health services.”

Already in 1948, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights enacted that:

“Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself and of his family, including food, clothing, housing and medical care and necessary social services, and the right to security in the event of unemployment, sickness, disability, widowhood, old age or other lack of livelihood in circumstances beyond his control.”

The vision of UHC, therefore, paves the path to achieve greater equity in our world and sets the stage for UHC2030, a global movement to build stronger health systems to enable UHC.

The road ahead however requires access to a very basic and technologically available resource, that of data. Reliable and large-scale global health data on which to build a global health insurance framework for the generations to come, which we have come to call the BIG DATA on Health.

As for every form of insurance, the very foundation of a scalable model relies on the numerical understanding and analysis of large amounts of relevant data to ensure the ability to predict, monitor and measure, to then fund and scale the needed changes and implementations. UHC, therefore, requires BIG DATA to scale very significantly, and above all, rapidly.

Big Data has already started to be considered as an essential commodity in all areas of business and society but in lower-income nations, with little to no reliable health frameworks to gather and compile relevant and quality data, it remains a pipe dream to attain UHC by 2030.

This is all about to change with the arrival of Blockchain and its inherent ability to store, transfer and compile large amounts of data. With its universally recognized and rapidly growing technology, it is already making its way into all areas of society and of the economy.

The challenge, however, remains capturing the valuable and quality health data that will take UHC from a vision to reality where it is most needed.

Immunify.Life is an organization that has taken on this challenge and not only sought to leverage the immense power of the Blockchain but along with AI and crypto has created a simple yet powerful user-friendly interface to gather quality data. The interface, in the form of a simple mobile app, empowers the patient to both own and share their data as well as manage essential health-related formalities such as the issuance of an essential vaccination certificate. To encourage the rapid adoption and scaling of the data gathering, as well as reward the patients for sharing their anonymized data, the app also enables a token incentivization feature to provide additional benefits to the participants.

The Immunify.Life ecosystem therefore not only creates a basic and scalable framework to gather data, but it does so respecting the patient’s identity and rights to information. With the support of their dedicated cryptocurrency called the IMM token, it fuels a unique incentive model rewarding patients for their healthcare diligence and the sharing of their data and does so with the utmost respect of their privacy and identity via the security of the Blockchain.

The ecosystem is unique and a true game-changer that has the potential to rapidly turn the bold vision of Universal Health Coverage and access to quality health services for all, into a global reality.

To learn more about Immunify.Life, its projects and progress, follow them on the below media channels, or to invest, support or partner with them, reach out directly at

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Written by is a transformative and self-sustaining healthcare ecosystem on the Cardano blockchain powered by AI with self sovereign identification.

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