AMA Recap: Immunify.Life x DCI
7 min readAug 3, 2022


Please could you introduce yourself to our community?

Sam Bassily:

Sure, my name is Sam Bassily. I started my career over 22 years ago as a C++ Software Engineer within the high-stakes, fast-paced world of options market making and trading.

Keeping as hands-on as I am good, I have been fortunate to have worked with some of the premier players in the industry and allowed to build several exceptional teams. I have helped build several high-achieving firms from the bottom up in a very competitive space.

Our team here at Immunify is a fantastic set of talented people, bringing to bear 60+ years of medical knowledge and crypto experience, technology, and marketing. They are spread across the planet making us a truly global team. We are very proud and fortunate.

How and when did you start? How did you get involved in the crypto? What’s your role in Immunify.Life?

Sam Bassily:

Immunify, the concept of Immunify started around 2018, it is the brainchild of Guy Newing, Guy coming from a medical data and technology background who wanted to give developing countries access to the capabilities of developed countries and create healthcare equity. My role at is the CEO.

Now please tell us about your project “Immunify.Life” what was the initial thoughts behind this project?

Sam Bassily:

Simply put, Immunify.Life is a Medical Tech company focusing on health data and health data management. Like all good companies, our thoughts/ideas are driven by identifying problems that need to be addressed, and then we look for innovative ways to solve them.

At Immunify the problem we are looking to solve is the enormous disparity between healthcare in the developed and developing countries, and our innovative approach is to use Blockchain and Crypto to create a healthcare ecosystem, empowering patients to attend treatment whilst providing the platforms for clinics to manage their treatment. Whilst at the same time building a profitable and sustainable project.

What are your aims in the next 2 years according to your roadmap? What if I ask you what are the ultimate goals of Immunify.Life?

Sam Bassily:

Over the next two years, we aim to have our platform in the hands of numerous African doctors and patients. We aim to expand our network of partners and grow into new regions, solving more healthcare issues. For example, we all know about the OPIOID crisis in the US. We have partnered with a wonderful clinic called “State of The Heart Recovery” in Albuquerque, New Mexico to apply our same principles.

Our ultimate goal is health equity for all through providing people with ownership of what is rightfully theirs, their Health data and health records. It’s an ambitious aim, but we believe we can reframe the game, and drive adoption using crypto to unlock value that was otherwise inaccessible.

Collaboration and partnerships are one of the cornerstones to making blockchain more widespread. Can you share some of the partnerships you have formed with existing blockchain foundations recently?

Sam Bassily:

Very true! fundamental! We have been backed by the Telos foundation. We will be deploying our EVM compatible ESG staking pools on the Telos chain. These Pools allow users to stake to support an ESG cause specific to a given pool. Users stake to receive rewards as well as support the ESG cause as a portion of APR goes to the pool’s cause.

And, I have to mention our other partners on the clinical front, we work closely with MMUST (Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology) in Western Kenya and “State of The Heart Recovery in Albuquerque, New Mexico. These stand us apart from most other projects by giving us access to clinics to apply our systems and get results.

I think this is a fairly common question, but it is still important because it is still a reality, and people continue to die every day from COVID-19. So, what scientific contribution, community help or social impact can ImmunifyLife bring to the fight against Covid?

Sam Bassily:

Thanks! That’s a great question! COVID will be with us for a long time and is a true global problem. It has shrunk the planet, forcing us all to stand next to each other like no other event. We cannot now ignore developing countries; if a variant develops in a less vaccinated region, everyone gets it. Immunify.Life’s mechanism incentivises and enables people to get vaccinated; we help NGOs, Donors and such to manage vaccination programs whilst allowing the people to come and get vaccinated. We will also allow researchers and governments to understand the problem, and track it in near real-time.

Can you tell us about Charlyn? I read that it is one of the many lives that ImmunifyLife aims to change and improve their health care outcomes. But can you tell us what are the problems that this community presents?

Sam Bassily:

Charlyn is a shopkeeper we met in Cameroon. She is passionate about her community and the healthcare challenges she and her community face. Many people in the community cannot simply afford to take time off work to go to a doctor. We will help change that by rewarding them for their contribution, allowing better access to better quality healthcare for Charlyn, her children and the whole community!

Immunify.Life looks amazing and different from the rest, what or how can $IMM be used in this aspect? How do you intend to attract non-crypto users?

Sam Bassily:

Thank you very much, we are very proud of what we have achieved! The IMM Token is the engine room behind our concept, representing the value in the data. It will be used by Crypto investors, Patients, and Data users/Samplers. Our aspirations are truly global; we see everyone globally owning their own Healthcare data. In short, people will be attracted by its utility and value growth.

The majority of initiatives like to talk about their long-term vision and mission, but what are your short term goals? So,on what are you currently concentrating?Almost many investors hold tokens for a short period of time. What are the advantages of owning a @ImmunifyLife token?

Sam Bassily:

Short term — launching Kenya! This is happening on the 3rd of August, Immunify.Life will start on the ground in Kenya, a world-first program using Crypto tokens, our platform, to help treat 600 HIV patients across 6 sites in western Kenya who have otherwise stopped taking their medication! This world’s first program we are incredibly proud of! We will kickstart our platform and save lives.

On the token front: Close funding rounds, Release partnerships, open our treasury and release tokens, list on DEXs,

The ecosystem has some of the strongest staking incentives in the cardano ecosystem. Users will be able to stake directly in our treasury. Users will also be able to receive high APR while supporting ESG causes.

In short, the advantages of holding tokens short or long are the same, the utility and value of the token will be driven by the data we collect and the traction that we achieve in projects like our Kenyan Pilot.

*LIVE Segment*

Is your project only for elite investors, how about others with small funds, is it open to everyone?

Sam Bassily:

Hi IABB, our project is certainly open to all! Large and small, in fact we have a public sale happening at the end of Aug early Sep. Feel free to follow us to learn more.

What’s your main focus right now, are you focused on the community or market/Exchange or the products?

Sam Bassily:

Product, building on our value and utility, working with our partners to get the apps into the hands of doctors and patients alike.

Can you share some details about recent major achievements done by your project? Also, what are the future roadmap & targets of your project?

Sam Bassily:

Kenya is major for us, it’s a world first! Helping treat 600 patients, all of who relapsed from their previous treatments. We have spent a long time building our clinical platform and app, we are so excited to see it put to use in such a noble way.

I am interested in investing in your project. When and where can I buy your tokens? Is it already listed on exchanges?

​​Sam Bassily:

Hi Munna, we have a public sale upcoming in a month or so, our strategic round is also open. Feel free to follow us on our socials, lots more info will be coming out over the coming days and weeks.

​​Can you list 1–3 killer features of this project that makes it ahead of its competitors? What is the competitive advantage your project has that you feel most confident about?

Sam Bassily:

Our partnerships that we have been developing for years, and building our project alongside. Allowing us real-world access that would otherwise be impossible. This gives us the traction others would struggle to obtain. It’s allowed us to build and pass regulatory approvals to do what we do in Kenya.

Sam Bassily:

Thank you very much for your time everyone, I’m sure you can tell we are passionate and excited about what we are about. To stay up to date please join us in our socials. AND feel free to ask the team any questions I missed tonight.

About Immunify.Life

Immunify.Life is a transformative and self-sustaining healthcare ecosystem secured by blockchain with the mission to transform the landscape of health management and data utilization. The project leverages the power of Big Health Data and Artificial Intelligence to ensure seamless movement of de-identified patient healthcare data.

Immunify.Life has established a strong presence in Africa with a team that has over 60 years of combined experience in the relevant industries. It is a world-first holistic and self-sustaining ecosystem to solve global health management crises and data collection challenges.

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Written by is a transformative and self-sustaining healthcare ecosystem on the Cardano blockchain powered by AI with self sovereign identification.

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